Happy Holidays with Continuous Presents

December 15th, 2009 § 0 comments § permalink

For more than thirty years I’ve been mailing collaged, holiday cards at the end of the year. I would take a postcard and cover it with various stickers or other pictures or text found in magazines and add a catchy phrase linking it to the holidays.

About twenty years ago, these cards took on a GertrudeandAlice twist. The Ladies from rue de Fleurus became the focus of the cards and the annual greeting, with its usual irreverent humor,  seems to have become something that friends looked forward to receiving each December.  (Some of my friends have told me that they’ve kept all of the cards over the years, ready for a retrospective exhibition!)

Card of Holidays Past 2003

Card of Holidays Past 2003

Card of Holidays Past 2004

Card of Holidays Past 2004

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