One year does fly by…

June 18th, 2010 § 0 comments

One year ago today I began this blog and have in those twelve months written 16,394 words – not quite a novel’s worth of words, but  a good start even though Gertrude Stein’s major opus THE MAKING OF AMERICANS contains 517,207 words.

"Gertrude and Alice," hand-in-hand for the blog anniversary by Bruce Kellner, 1982

Over the years I have seen many attempts to copy Stein’s writing whether as an exercise in a creative writing class, as a spoof ( something that has been done ever since her first writings appeared more than 100 years ago), or as an acknowledgement of the power of her creative use of words. As a tribute to her and the power  words, I have taken the first two words and last two words of each blog to create the following Steinian piece:



One of to follow

When I the morning

At the for life

The envelope so mundane

" mundane"

As a is round

In the this week

Sixty three no answers

As I du Fleurus

"I have often walked down this street before..."

And she is it

A few next IPO

One of “There, there”

It’s fashion buy art

In a the hat

"...the hat," Matisse, 1905

When I on him

The puppies a Thanksgiving

People often user = 1fxhrwbaixbwi

For more Year! Hans

From the Year! ABT

ABT always on the run by Tom Hachtman

This past for art

On this happy birthday

Last November Rose again

In the Babette’s Feast

Alphabets and about “Mildew”

"Out,out damn mildew!"

My Mesdames Monique Truong

Last summer Chicken Left-overs

OK, I Gertrude Stein

GS holding court by Tom Hachtman

As a hundred years.


That’s another  328 words so only 499,485 to go and I’ll have my own MAKING OF AMERICANS !

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