Rose is a….(you know the rest) in the marketplace

May 24th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

As a collector of all things GertrudeandAlice, at one point I decided to find things pertaining to roses because of Gertrude Stein’s most famous line. Some of these items have been added to my collection. Often collectors need to scour shops, flea markets and e-bay to find that rare item that will make their collection complete, but in the case of rose influenced “stuff”, there is so much there there, not much serious scouring is needed.

Here are a few of the things I’ve come across. Those in my collection are marked with an asterick (*).

• A watch for those who not only want to know what time it is, but also want the scent of the White House rose garden encircling their wrist:

Rose-scented SWATCH, 1998 *

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